Looking for Help?
If you are in a crisis situation, we want to help! We can help you with prayer and/or possibly with financial help.
If you are in need of financial help, we can help with utilities and gas. We do not provide financial help for hotel rent, loans, cable bills, car payments, or credit card bills.
To be eligible for financial help:
If you are eligible, please complete the following form -- create a Google form
Your name *
Last name
Email address *
I would like to be contacted by: *Choose all that apply
What Type of Help Do You Need? *Choose all that apply
Financial Help
If you are in a crisis situation, we want to help! We can help you with prayer and/or possibly with financial help.
If you are in need of financial help, we can help with utilities and gas. We do not provide financial help for hotel rent, loans, cable bills, car payments, or credit card bills.
To be eligible for financial help:
- You must be able to provide your driver's license number upon request.
- We will review your request in 2-3 days.
- All financial assistance is paid directly to the company or organization.
- We will assist with up to $100 per request.
- Only one person per household will receive assistance during a 12-month period.
If you are eligible, please complete the following form -- create a Google form
Your name *
Last name
Email address *
I would like to be contacted by: *Choose all that apply
What Type of Help Do You Need? *Choose all that apply
Financial Help