Gray Summit United Methodist Church is for everyone and that means you and your family. When you visit, it's important to us that you feel right at home.
Sundays Mornings
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Sundays Mornings
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Weather-related closings will be posted on Facebook and shown on Channels 4 and 5. In addition, an email will be sent out if church is cancelled. If you aren't currently receiving church emails but would like to, please contact Teresa in the church office. Please be advised, when Meramec Valley schools are closed, we cannot guarantee that the parking lot will be plowed or that sidewalks will be cleared.
New Sermon Series Beginning
February 9, 2025
Acts 8 is not the most famous chapter in the New Testament. Philip is not a main character in the story of the early Church. The Ethiopian remains nameless. Yet, the story in Acts 8:26-39 expands and reorients understandings of mission and evangelism for many Christians. This story takes place in a fairly unlikely place: on a road in a desert. Neither character seemed to expect any particular spiritual epiphany in this place or moment, yet both experience conversion in different ways.
These intersections in the desert produce a minor chord to the more triumphalist visions of evangelism with which many Christians are familiar. The minor chord here allows for nuance and innuendo. This story leaves you a bit off balance and wondering what is possible with the Holy Spirit and God’s salvation.
In this four-week series, we'll revisit this desert encounter, the impact on both Philip and the Ethiopian, and the implications it has for us today as the Church engaging with the world.
These intersections in the desert produce a minor chord to the more triumphalist visions of evangelism with which many Christians are familiar. The minor chord here allows for nuance and innuendo. This story leaves you a bit off balance and wondering what is possible with the Holy Spirit and God’s salvation.
In this four-week series, we'll revisit this desert encounter, the impact on both Philip and the Ethiopian, and the implications it has for us today as the Church engaging with the world.
United Methodist Church
204 Ford Street - PO Box 97
Gray Summit MO 63039
OFFICE HOURS: Mon/Wed/Thurs 9am-2pm
United Methodist Church
204 Ford Street - PO Box 97
Gray Summit MO 63039
OFFICE HOURS: Mon/Wed/Thurs 9am-2pm